Resolutions for 2019


Hello and welcome to episode 157 of The Mindful Kind podcast. 

Since we're only a few days into 2019, I thought I'd share some fun resolutions which can help you incorporate more self-care and mindfulness into your life. 

1: Implement at least one hour of meaningful self-care into your life each week.

2: Practice mindfulness first thing when you wake up in the morning.

3: Read a self-help/wellness/health book.

4: Spend more time with people who make you feel good.

5: Start a daily meditation practice. 

6: Figure out a better evening routine.

7: Spend more time around nature.

8: Declutter your home.

9: Spend less time on your phone.

10: Start (or maintain) a journaling practice. 

Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind. 


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