The Status Quo Bias


Hello and welcome to episode 323 of The Mindful Kind podcast. I’m excited to talk about something interesting and a bit relevant to my own experience right now, called the status quo bias.

So back in 1988, two researchers called William Samuelson and Richard Zeckhauser found that people tend to have a very strong preference for things to stay the same. When faced with an important choice, people were much more likely to choose the option that allowed for things to stay the same.

And I think in many cases, this bias can actually be helpful. When you develop positive and meaningful routines and maintain those routines, you can save time and mental energy. Sometimes, the status quo bias can encourage you to stick with options that you know you like or that you know work well, which can lead to less stress and good experiences.

But sometimes, the status quo bias, or our preference for things to stay the same, can hold us back from making changes and taking on new opportunities.

And so far in 2022, I personally have been challenged a lot to let go of the status quo bias and it’s been pretty great. My partner Dec and I moved to a new town and a lot of things changed really quickly. Our routines got shaken up and we had the opportunity to rebuild them and prioritise things that are important to us. And there have been lots of little chances to try new things and challenge the status quo. Instead of going to one café that we know we like, we’ve been visiting different places and eating new foods. We’ve been trying new types of exercise and making new friends.

A few weeks ago, I applied for a new full time job and even though I was really nervous about changing the way I work and being in a new place and having completely different routines, it’s also been kind of exciting.

I’m really happy to say that I was offered the job and I’ve been there for just over a month now, which has honestly flown by. And it’s been really great for me. I have a lovely team of people to work with, the commute is short, I’m using my skills in different ways and I’ve got some awesome opportunities to learn new things and grow as a person.

However, I have also noticed that my time is limited and I’ve been observing myself and what I need as these new changes unfold.

And for right now, I’ve decided to step back from The Mindful Kind podcast and take my first proper break from it in 6 and a half years. I’m incredibly proud of this podcast and I’ve loved the people it’s connected me with and the opportunities that have come my way. I’m definitely hoping to continue this podcast in some way, I just need some time and space to figure out how that might work.

When the status quo changes, it can be a bit intimidating, sometimes stressful, maybe a bit uncomfortable. But it can also be a great way to make room for things that might work better, changes that can make a positive difference in your life, and opportunities that you might not expect. And that’s the mindset I’m trying to have during this big time of change right now.

Even though I won’t be creating new episodes of The Mindful Kind podcast right now, I’ve created so many other helpful resources that you can dive into and of course, all the past episodes of The Mindful Kind will remain available for you to re-visit.

I know that for many listeners, The Mindful Kind podcast is a part of their routines, and might have been for many years, so I just want to, first of all, say a huge thank you for joining me on this journey. And second of all, your own status quo bias might be feeling a little challenged at the moment. If that’s true for you, I’d love to encourage you to embrace this opportunity to do some new things. Find another podcast that teaches you different things and helps you feel inspired. Make a music playlist that boosts your mood. Go for a mindful walk with your phone on silent instead of listening to a podcast. Use the ten minutes that you might normally spend listening to The Mindful Kind reading an interesting book.

Not long ago, I actually created a long list of all my favourite resources including podcast episodes, books, online courses, and more. And I also included some of my recent podcast interviews, too. I highly recommend that you check out that list - here’s the link to it.

If you notice the status quo bias in your own life and decide to challenge it, I also just want to remind you to look after yourself. Change can be difficult sometimes and I’ve found myself really leaning into the things that help me feel supported, nourished, and grounded over the last few weeks. Practicing yoga in the evenings to relax before bed, reading fiction books when I have some spare time, going for walks in nature, eating some of my favourite foods, cuddling with the dogs on the couch. Instead of burning myself out by taking on too much and trying to fight to keep the status quo, I’m trying to be more flexible and listen to what I might need. And if you’re in a similar situation, either now or in the future, I hope this might be helpful for you.

Thank you so much for being part of The Mindful Kind. Whether you’ve left a kind review, joined my newsletter list, tuned into these episodes, connected with me on social media, become a student in my online courses, or sent kind words and encouragement via email, I appreciate you and hope that you’ve enjoyed The Mindful Kind as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it. I’m excited about the next chapter for both of us and I can’t wait to see what’s around the corner.

Thank you so much for listening and I’ll see you again soon, Mindful Kind.


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